Thank you for the tutorial on the Hassidim.

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Once again I'm left contemplating how there is nothing more or less batshit about scientology, any formally recognized religion, the church of the spaghetti monster, and how much free time people have to make rules for themselves and others. Especially women!

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Were you an early Sensitivity coach/lecturer? This would be an awesome PowerPoint to show kids in schools.

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I love the idea of a Sabbath Elevator.

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I am somehow having a hard time picturing you with electronic medical records, but I am sure youā€™d have been the best at the job! Thank you for the introduction on Hasidic Jewsā€”I had no idea about the Shabbat elevator. And, I did not know there were different groups within Hasidic Jews! We have an orthodox Jewish neighborhood in the northern Baltimore area where they donā€™t work on Saturdays and you see men with payots and tzitzits walking about, but I donā€™t know what denomination theyā€™d belong to. My son when littler, wanted to once see an orthodox Jewish man in Hasidic attire (he was writing an article) and I recall driving up to northern Baltimore to a Jewish bakery only to discover not one person in sight:)

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Apr 6Liked by C.L. Steiner

My favorite are the hat-shaped suitcases they bring during travels!

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Fascinating stuff. I remember seeing Hasidic Jews strolling about in the inner-Melbourne suburb of Elsternwick. Keeping very much to themselves, as you point out!

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This was a very interesting peek into the world of the Hasidic Jews. I like the hats and the rituals.

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Apr 20Liked by C.L. Steiner

Wonderful article. Borough Park is always an interesting journey.

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